Thursday, 27 August 2015

First Day Survival Kit FREEBIE

This year I am starting a brand new tradition with my Junior Kindergarten parents... First Day Survival Kits! In my past two years of teaching Kindergarten I have seen parents who dance on the first day *cue... "It's the most wonderful time of the year" song* to parents who are teary leaving their precious little ones to their teacher for the first time! To make this a fun transition for all, I thought we'd introduce a few treats for parents to help them get through the day whether they're excited for their little ones first day or even just a little bit sad! And let's be honest here... we adults like a treat as much as the kids do! Am I right?!

I chose 4 different treats to send off to my parents: KitKats, Sudoku, Kleenex and some Earl Gray tea! Paired with this sweet rhyme we have the perfect little pick me up for moms and dads!

And aren't these little target baggies cute?! And for only $1 of course!
If you'd like a copy of this FREEBIE just click on the picture above. :) 

Happy Back to Schooling everyone!!

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